Jan Evert Musch, Animal Farm,1986/1990 / b)afbear

"Some examples of bear sculptures differing in time and space. Note how int the early examples the animals look 'plump' and 'unfinished' and in the younger examples they tend to get thinner and relatively less of the natural cortex has been left unchanged. But exceptions do occur. Old ones may be out of thin flakes, young ones out of nodules.

[Note: Abbreviations for 'Heidelbergian', i.e., the Heidelbergian component of the Chopper-Choppingtool Complex (CCC) tool industry, with minimum dating as at Hamburg-Wittenbergen around 200,000 years ago.

Illustration © J. E. Musch/Stichting Archaeologische Berichten. Musch, J. E. (1986 revised 1990). Animal Farm: Palaeolithic Sculptures from the Northwest European Plains. Precirculated paper, World Archaeological Congress, 1986. Stichtung Archaeologishe Berichten Elst, NL. Page 7.

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