HK70-71, Har Karkom, Israel; d) hk70 storystones1

On the climb up from the wadi on the way to HK71, near the mesa edge, not far from HK70. I found many dozens of small black stones with 'boils' on their surface. I counted over 50 and many more were scattered about in the area. I placed them on white stone background for the photo.

Tentative interpretation (James Harrod): They appear to be intentionally flaked into geometrics and other complex shapes;it seems unlikely they are completely natural, 'nature-facts'. Note that the object Row 3, #1 has a hole in it like a pendant or perhaps to symbolize something. The stones, and especially, the complex ones, could have a combination of symbols; I call them 'story stones', The next image shows more.

Photo © James Harrod. James Harrod site photos taken on Emmanuel Anati Har Karkom Expedition, April 1996.

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d) hk70 storystones1