Bhimbetka Rock Shelters, Madhya Pradesh: Rock Art Petroglyph Site, c. 200,000 - 500,000 BP / r) bmbviewmaze

Sitting on the rocks looking out over the vista (previous image), I felt its expansiveness and beauty. I thought that this would be a good place to place rock art to honor the view. I turned to the rock to my left and there they were. Facing the vista, designs with a maze-like motif. Comparing the motif to those of Neolithic and Chalcolithic Europe and the horticulturalists of Southwestern United States, it perhaps symbolizes the mystery of life in this world and the fecundity of the earth-womb out of which all living beings emerge and become. It is a mirror put up to the vista of the fertile valley.

Photo © James Harrod or as otherwise noted. All James Harrod site photos taken on tour of Bhimbetka, International Rock Art Congress - 2004, Rock Art Society of India, 12/4/2004. This gallery first posted 10/13/2006.

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r) bmbviewmaze